Latest Club Penguin Field Ops Cheats – Field Ops 52:
To start with, go to the Elite Penguin Force headquarters for your mission briefing.
Then waddle over to the System Defender game, but don’t play it.
Then, enter the commands to lead the repair bot to the the targets. Remember, you have only 5 tries!
After that, you may receive your medal.
How to become an Elite Penguin Force Agent on Club Penguin:
You will then have to take the test; to become a EPF Agent.
When you enter the room you will see the phone ring, click on it to answer it.
There is no response, click on the phone and shoot the target.
Watch the whole video message and walk to the green square.
Then run to the red square as fast as you can.
Then go hide away from the camera. But before you do, throw a snowball on the camera.
Now you can hide.
When it tells you to walk on the blue square, don’t! Instead, throw a snowball on the box.
It will then calculate your results:
You will end up with a perfect score.
Congratulations you passed the test & are now a EPF Agent.